Your Visit

One Peace Therapy Welcomes You

Quality Care You Can Count On!

Seeing a therapist for the first time can be nerve-wracking. This is okay and quite normal for a first visit. 

The initial appointment is all about information gathering and getting to know who you are and what brings you into therapy. This is an ongoing process, which helps for the first session to not feel as overwhelming. Clients are encouraged to share how much and what they feel comfortable with. 

Follow ups are usually a continuation from the previous session and if homework was given, we check-in about the progress of the task. However, this is a flexible structure as there are many things that can up in life and change the flow of sessions. 

Ultimately, this is your session - you choose how you would like it to go and I will meet you where you are at and follow your pace.

Take a look at our office, your safe space!


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